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    vampiricakatt  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 102 entries
May 2010
7:16 AM EDT

The Truth behind my Lies again

I mean it to it hurts Does she not get it. �I have more problems then she can imagen and she gets mad at me saying I'm Causing her more drama. and that everything is my fult when I ask her to stop hitting me.

    vampiricakatt  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 102 entries
May 2010
6:58 AM EDT

Truth behind My lies

What doesn't cheyenne get I'm done being her friend. She thinks its okay to call me names and wants me to be her punching bag Im so f-ing sick of it she keeps asking me to be her friend. I not her punching bag she bit me once it hurt so bad and she broke the skin she wasn't even mad at me. she was mad at her boyfriend.

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